BIM - Building Information Modelling

For the past 10 years, the concept of BIM has generated tremendous interest because, when rigorously applied, it can relieve many of the industry’s pain points.

The big idea is to provide a central project management system where 3D building models can be linked to time or schedule related information (called BIM 4D), plus cost estimates and budgets (BIM 5D), plus ongoing maintenance after construction is completed (BIM 6D).

As Scott Widmann from DPR Construction put it, “One model, one map, one link.”  The 3D time stamped models can record information that can be applied throughout the BIM stages.

BIM offers enormous gains in cost and time savings; much greater accuracy in estimation; and the avoidance of error, alterations, and rework due to information loss. But adopting BIM itself outside of incorporating data from drones involves much more than simply changing the software you use.
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